Regarding to coronavirus outbreak/关于新型冠状病毒的对策

2020/02/25 すべてのお客様向け

Dear customers, Due to the rapid spread of coronavirus in Japan, Iida Group which already has partially introduced remote work for years decided to boost it further on this occasion. In order to secure appropriate quality of service and to provide smooth response to our customers, we would like you to send an E-mail rather than to make a phone call when you contact us. Please feel free to send an E-mail to us in English. Thank you very much for your cooperation. 尊敬的顾客 由于日本国内的疫情正在逐渐变得严重,我公司决定将逐步采用员工远程在家办公的方式继续业务。因此,在今后的一段时间里,公司内办公的员工数量有限,您在拨打我公司的电话时可能经常会遇到繁忙,占线等情况。为您提供更方便的服务,您可以选择使用电子邮件的方式跟我们联系,我们会第一时间回复您的邮件,我公司的邮箱地址是 中文OK 再次为给您造成的不便表示歉意。感谢您的理解以及合作!